

is walt's birthday...


1947 - 2008



lover of wide open space

we miss you

( walt's boots - michael sanders )

you are here

and i believed it.

there was a place on the map

called kodachrome basin

and i thought about the photographs

and all the things you taught me

"you have to wait for the light beth"

that is what you would always say...

we had waited a year

to say our goodbye.

the road was difficult.

he always liked best

those places most remote and silent...

on the way there

i saw him in the clouds

and felt good to have his company

the invitation read...

"the family will be scattering his ashes at his favourite time of day

when the sun is even with the horizon.

we will eat, drink, and read from his favourite writers,

listen to his favourite music

and tell stories...

getting to muley isn't easy,

Mexican Hat is the nearest town.

camping is very rustic

no toilets

no water

and temperatures that reach 100 or above..."

“We need the possibility of escape as surely a we need hope.”

( Edward Abbey, Desert Solitude )

potholes and switchbacks

red dirt and hot sun

you might say the road to muley

was just like him

hard to navigate

but full of adventure

he had informed my aesthetic in a way

where i couldn't turn back

once i saw the sun set on that horizon line

but the road was never easy...

there were his girls of course

all there

to say goodbye

about this time every year

we start thinking about the ghost trail

and how you can carry on missing someone...

just like it was yesterday.

( photos by michael byrne, lourdes gomez, beth nelson, walt cotten, jeffery bishop )


  1. i remember the last picture - it was the first time i found you.

    ah, ghost trail. how appropriate.

  2. and that we all found each other again

    in the thing that he gave us

    which was art and poetry and music

    and not giving up

    no matter what
