
Dawn Patrol

5:45 a.m.

Cronkite  Beach

It seems crazy

the idea of it

To get into that cold Pacific 

and watch the sunrise 

and hear the tugs 

coming out of the 

Golden Gate

ready to guide the tanker ships

under the bridge

The ships that have come

all the way from 


Then all of a sudden

everything changes

the light

the waves

the gulls passing overhead

and everyone feels happy to be alive

and lucky

to know this thing

When you come from the water

cold, and with frozen hands

and I put on the heater


"hurry, hurry

it's time for school"

And we leave the magic

but it stays all day

deep inside of you 

until the next day

the next sunrise

the next sunset 

over the cold Pacific

we call home.

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